Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Choice

Where am I today?  Well, I was thinking that each of us are born with our own set of personal issues that we must overcome.  For some of us identifying those issues is the largest task of all.  Let me explain.  
I hear ministers quoting from the text about it being harder for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.  Now we can talk about historically what that meant, (the eye of the needle did not mean then what it means today) but that would be to belabor the issue.  We could talk about values and money, but that would miss the issue too.  The real significance of that statement is how we relate to the physical as opposed to the spiritual.  (Remember, you are just ease dropping on my thoughts). 

It is in our triune nature (mind, body, soul) to try and reconcile our being.  Our mind trying to comprehend the fact that we are eternal with the temporary body.  If our mind totally focuses on the physical, we literally become the walking dead.  (I want to elaborate on that in a second.)  If we focus totally on the soul we miss the entire purpose of our incarnation.  So the reconciliation process is necessary.  

Now on the physical side.  Whatever is physical is temporal, meaning it is born into space and time and therefore subject to decay and extinction.  Follow me.  Put your faith in temporal things and you are headed for a let down.  Some folks determine their self-worth by a job, a car, a title, a house, a relationship or whatever.  Those things while not all physical are temporal and are subject to change or extinction.  That means your self-worth is always contingent on some tangible object over which you have no control.  How scary!

On the spiritual side, (I have to laugh because this woman told me one time that I was so heavenly minded that I was no earthly good.  Not true, I love my incarnation but I am not attached to it.)  Sometimes we can misidentify what it means to live a spiritual life.  I once told a friend of mine "that peace is not achieved through removing the noise that surrounds us, it is finding that place within that knows that eternality is the truth."  That in the face of all that is occurring around us we can not be hurt, attacked, or diminished because we are spiritual beings having a human experience and not the other way around.  So the statement that says if you seek to save your life you will lose it is so true because saving your life is believe that that life is the totality of your being.  

I don't know if that is clear, but let me move on, these are just my thoughts, remember?  

When I see people depressed about the "stuff" of life I can't help but to think that they've missed the beauty of it.  They get caught up thinking the "stuff" matters.  Sometimes its just about learning to maneuver through the mess that's the point.  Deciding and proclaiming peace.

I'll never forget when I was overseas there was this cocoon outside of my window that I watched daily.  Well, when I saw the cocoon starting to open I figured I would assist the butterfly in getting out into the world.  I didn't know that the struggle to squeeze out of the cocoon is how a butterfly pushes the blood back through its body to develop its wings and legs.  My denying him his struggle ended up leaving the resulting mutation unable to continue its journey properly.  

Some people may never get it.  They may die unhappy because they will have thought that happiness was an achievement rather than a choice.  Even that choice is a struggle that must be declared over and over again.  Looking for the easy way out could leave us with mutated lives.  Fortunately, spirit is so wonderful it wont let up, if there is something you must learn, learn it you will.  Now that's what I call peace being thankful for the ass kicking because you realize that in the end it's because you are loved, because you need to learn and its for your own good.  

Hey these are just my thoughts.  We don't own thoughts so feel free to share them.  If you lie and say that they are yours, you do yourself a disservice.  Life copyrights.  Thanks for reading this, your opinions are valued please share them.
Copyright© 2001 By Sandra Bishop Ministries

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