Sunday, February 26, 2012

Are You Pregnant?

Ever felt pregnant?  No, not with a child pregnant, with possibilities pregnant.  It's like going through a gestation period of growth - say nine months of darkness.  You're sustained during those dark periods because you know its for your greater good.  Yea, that kind of pregnant.  I've felt like I was there.  Ironically, now that I feel like I'm about to give birth - I realize that my sister-in-law Sonia is in her ninth month and actually about to give birth too.  All minds are connected, right?

Well a lot has transpired in the last nine months for me.  As I look back over it, its transformational stuff.  Its interesting, because in the midst of these life changes we don't always recognize them occurring.  Just like a pregnancy we simply trust that the process is taking place as it should.  We plant the seeds of our desire into womb of life and await the manifestation of that desire.  The process often takes time to come to fruition because we are not always ready to receive what we want, so we wait.  

What's born  is a new vision, a new level of knowing, a new level of loving.  What's born is God in man, a new savior.  No not a savior for the world but a savior for ourselves.  If we each must be born again or anew then we are born anew in mind.  Consciousness lifted from where it was before into new levels of being.  We are empowered not to be better, but rather to recognize how good we already are.  

To begin let's start by seeing ourselves as God sees us.  The sky really has opened up and God really did say "you are my beloved child in whom I am well pleased."  I know, you heard the needle scrap across the record or someone yell "cut," but it wasn't God.  Your ego is trying to keep you in hell.  Where is hell you ask?  Its that spot where you believe God is not, where you think you are separate from God.  In reality it doesn't exist.  Your ego telling you you're not good enough, that something is wrong with you, that God has judged against you and found you wanting.  Trust me, if God loves you and sees you as good, all your little thoughts of inadequacy can't prevail against what God knows to be true.  

Funny, it just popped into my mind that Sonia says on her voicemail "don't forget to push, (pray until something happens)."  A pregnant woman telling us to push.  Good advice, if you want to give birth to your new self PUSH!!!

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