Thursday, February 23, 2012

Judgments Kill

Are you judgmental?  You know most people don't like to own up to the fact that they are judgmental.  They either make excuses for it, "the bible says. . ."  Or try to justify it by saying it's necessary to discern to what they're being exposed.   Let's see, how can I put this clearly?  Judgment KILLS!

Most of us are caught up in this idea that all the extrinsic stuff matters.  So we evaluate people on "stuff:"  The problem is that we get deluded into thinking that the "stuff" some how matters.  I guess in this capitalistic society we put worth in things not in people.  Things like possessions, degrees, positions, you get the point.  Things begin to own us rather than our owning them because we project so much of our self definition into them.  

Now this is getting off into a different area, I'll deal with materialism another day.  You get the idea we judge not that all life has value but that there is a hierarchy of value based solely upon things that are temporal.

Our judgments don't hurt the people we judge against, they hurt they one that judges.  Judging keeps you trapped in the physical and block your own growth.  You will not recognize that you and your brother are one if you are judging him, you won't recognize him as your brother either.  

Judgment is one of the biggest games that the ego has going.  It keeps you stuck in your separateness.  It puts you in the position of the "all knowing" because you assign values and get to determine what has worth and what does not.

People who feel worthless are usually the ones who judge.  If they knew that they had an inherent value then they would look on everyone else as having value as well.  There would be no need to judge them because all is one.  If you are judgmental check yourself, it is not hard to recognize the divinity in you is in all of life.  Its just God experiencing God. 

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